Tax Preparation Strategies
While the estate tax has almost disappeared in recent years, income taxes still consumes a large part of the last dollars of high-income earners.
Many clients who exercise any variety of stock options or sell a business now see almost 50% of those gains lost to state and local taxes. Most executives with high levels of W-2 income do not know this can be prevented by using time-tested tax avoidance strategies. These strategies have been a permanent part of the tax code since 1969.
We are privileged to hold the Enrolled Agent designation to be able to represent taxpayers before the IRS. We specialize in helping clients implement these proven tax preparation strategies that can reduce taxes up to 50% and create a powerful income stream for their retirement years.

New Tax Return Online Document Management
We moved to a cloud-based customer environment that allows all our clients to upload their tax documents to a secure server and access those documents 24/7 as well.
Professional Tax Preparation
Tax Centers of Georgia is a Member in Good Standing of the US Tax Centers Services. We use a private and secure, IRS compliant, communications network to submit all state and federal tax work documents.
Tax Centers of Georgia participates in the tax return preparation process via a proprietary nationwide network of professional tax preparation personnel provided by: United Tax Partners Service.
All tax returns prepared via the Tax Partners, LLC network are prepared, signed, and submitted to the IRS by qualified professional tax preparers.
TAX Preparation
Tax preparation is an essential element of the tax preparation process.
By making tax preparation part of your overall business strategy, you can use our experience and access to the most current new developments in the tax laws to minimize both your current and future tax liabilities.
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