Tax Planning & Preparation
Minimize both your current and future tax liabilities.
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Tax Doctor
- Charitable Planning for Younger Clients ~ with a TwistOften people will have one-time “Income Events” that greatly increase the income tax due in that year. Finding ways to mitigate that additional tax, especially for younger people, can be challenging. In some cases, setting up a Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) in order to receive an upfront income tax deduction might be viable option. A […]
- Business Owners Often Paint Themselves Into a “Tax Corner”As weather interrupts some parts of the country and business owners have to scramble and fill in the gaps of employees, supplies, deliveries and the like, it’s easy for them to worry about taxes later, after all, there’s “plenty of time.” That often comes back to bite them though, sometimes hard. If they run their […]
- Tax Season Is Here Again! Choose Apples or Oranges.There are many ways a tax return can be done that are all OK with the IRS, but only one of those ways nets the largest refund! People need to understand this across America, and we talk about tax planning constantly. We blog, tweet, post, email and on and on, yet we as an industry are not […]
Check IRS Refund Status
The Internal Revenue Service
Georgia Department of Revenue
Income Tax Refund Status for Georgia